The Best Way to Spend Money

Write about your approach to budgeting.

I have fifty dollars
That I’m supposed to spend;
I have fifty dollars,
And offer all to a friend.

I have fifty dollars
Still all to myself;
I have fifty dollars
And see something shiny on a shelf.

The store is filled with flowers,
Lovely dresses with my colors;
I browse for two hours
And I still have fifty dollars.

11 thoughts on “The Best Way to Spend Money

  1. Anticipation, Rachel, is the secret to saving money. At least that’s what I’ve learned.

    Often, dreaming is more fun than is acquiring. Resist a bright, shiny object’s appeal and the impulse buy it urges. If that appeal still inspires the imagination hours, days, weeks later, then the object’s value will last long after the purchase.

    Keep letting the impulse inspire you, but delay its realization for a while. If the thing still looks bright and shiny weeks later, then go for it. Plus, you’ll love the ride your imagination will give you along the way.

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    1. Excellent advice! I quite agree. Although, there’s still the chance of idealization. Pleasant as it can be to let your imagination run wild, there’s the risk of disappointment when the object in reality can never live up to your fancy of it.

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      1. Great point, Rachel. Can’t that be said of every one of our ventures, though?

        It could disappoint, and it could exceed hopes too. It might do neither, as much as it just…differs. Not at all what we expected.

        Disappointment casts a long shadow, though, which may be one of the reasons I enjoy anticipation nearly as much as I do realization. Christmas Eve as much as Christmas morning.

        All the same, even disappointment offers something. Namely, intelligence on what to seek the next time. That’s what life is about, isn’t it, always improving?

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