Weather Alert

Why are you a storm,
And I am only me?
I did not always feel the need to run
At the threat of your company.

Now I find high ground;
Now I seek for shelter.
Did I change from who I was?
Are you just trying to find her?

Or is it you that’s different,
And a bunker’s only just?
It is wrong to wish a tornado
Would turn back to a pleasant gust?

The World

Bloganuary writing prompt
If you could un-invent something, what would it be?

Damien Reich met tragedy as a child. His mother had died giving birth to him. His father was executed for treason when Damien was only ten years old. And then, crying one night on the orphanage floor, he met someone else.

He met an angel.

The angel told Damien not to tell anyone. He told Damien he wasn’t supposed to reveal himself. He told Damien about all the rules of Heaven, and the nature of the Earth. The angel told him many things he shouldn’t have.

When Damien Reich was grown, he started a war against good. He won.