Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror, watch for me
The days that pass me by,
And tell me what is different,
Tell me how I’ve changed —
Or if I haven’t changed.
Tell me, am I different?
Can you tell me why?
What is it that you see?

Can you see it clearer,
The changes that have come?
Are they good ones or bad ones?
Is it curse or is it charm?
Is it cause for some alarm,
The courses that life runs,
Or when all is said and done,
Can I trust myself, oh mirror?


When the world stopped, I can’t remember
But it never moved again
Except Thanksgiving and December
Where we pretend that life is now, not then
And there’s a happily ever after
Which we all doubt is true
Attempts were made to trade war for laughter
The result was me and you


Is there anything that I can trust
When I am the one person I know I can’t
My beliefs topple over with the slightest gust
My good intentions become the room’s greatest elephant
The only people I’ve met and felt close to
Are the demons of somebody else
How can I know what I’m supposed to do
When all I’m supposed to goes against my self?


Am I wrong?
To hear and doubt?
To feel concern as paranoia
To see a racing mind and think
You’re heading towards a crash
I don’t know your life
I don’t know the world
At what point do I say, “enough”?
When do I stand, or step aside?