The Plank in Your Eye

You don’t know all the thoughts that she’s thinking
You don’t see the consequences you’ve wrought
You say it’s best to cut the line to what’s sinking
You can’t have said so with a moment of thought
‘Cause you’d know you’re the poison we’re drinking
All this time, and she’s not let you drown
She let you weave all the weak points you’re linking
And still you think she’s the one to take down

Right and Wrong

I can feel it creeping in
The bounty of their cultivation
That final fruit of Eden
Feeding modern devastation

I have swallowed up their justice
And I have choked on blame
Anything one person says
The next will say the same

How two people can agree
And yet still be at odds
I too closely come to see
Ah, the foolishness of gods!


I’ve gotten used to saying no
No love, no hope, no way
All for you, oh little doe
Innocent as a snake

I saw your thoughts before my own
Buffered your tender feelings
I saw to it I was alone
So I wouldn’t send you reeling

I realize now you did the same
Reading only the addendums
I only hope no other came
And drank of the same venom.